Order) Pelecaniformes
Family) Ardeidae
Species) Native Bird
Conservation Status) Not Threatened
Length) 67 cm
Weight) 550 g
Other Names) Matuku, blue heron, blue crane, whitefaced heron, white faced heron
Threats) Not many threats
The white-faced heron is a tall, elegant, blue-grey bird, usually spotted stalking it prey in most aquatic habitats, locations found on Waiheke are Mangroves, Anzac bay, Black pool mainly quiet beaches.
The White-Faced Heron is medium-sized blue-grey heron with white face, long dark grey bill, and pale yellow legs. In flight the open wings show a marked contrast between the pale grey fore-wing and dark grey main flight feathers on both the upper and lower surfaces. In flight the white-faced heron usually tucks its head back towards its shoulders in the characteristic heron posture, but it will also fly with the neck out-stretched.
Usually you will hear them when in flight they let out a harsh croak.
It is primarily a bird of rocky shores and estuary mudflats, but can also be found near the shallow edges of lakes up to 500 m altitude, and on farm ponds. Following rain, white-faced herons are often seen in damp pasture and on sports fields, including within urban areas.
Foraging white-faced herons walk slowly with long, controlled steps, watching for any signs of prey, which is grabbed with lightning speed.
White-faced herons are usually tree-top dwellers, favouring the tops of large pine trees or macrocarpa growing near water. They have also been known to nest on man-made structures. nests are made out of a flat pile of twigs and sticks in top of trees such as pine and macrocarpa.
3-5 eggs are incubated by both parents.
Breeding season starts as early as June
Small fish, crabs, worms, insects, spiders, mice, lizards, tadpoles and frogs.
Waiheke Locations
Causeway Mangroves – This is usually are great spot for them to find food and nest.
Blackpool Beach – A quiet beach found associating with a wide range of other bird species looking for food.
Anzac Bay – A quiet bay found associating with a wide range of other bird species looking for food.
They are a flying bird so they can be at any beach but choose to stay on quiet beaches/ aquatic areas, the locations above are where i have spotted them and photographed.
These birds can be anywhere in New Zealand not just Waiheke.