Location) 21E Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke Island 1081
Phone) 09 372 8281
Hours) Monday and Wednesday 8:30am – 7pm
Hours) Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30am – 4pm
Hours) Closed Weekends
Website) Waiheke Physiotherapy Website
Socials) Waiheke Physiotherapy Facebook
Parking) Their Carpark
Wheelchair Access) Yes
Category) Health
Toilet) Yes
Waiheke Physiotherapy is a local physio located in Ostend that helps with your health needs including general medical and sports injuries.
Proud co owners are Ingrid an Alexa who have over 40 years experience between them in this field.
They are independent Physiotherapists working in different locations across Waiheke, including local gyms, schools and patient’s homes.
All their physios are NZ registered and cover a wide range of your health needs including general medical, respiratory and neurological problems, prevention and treatment of sports injuries and complex trauma rehab, community based rehabilitation and falls prevention.
They can process ACC claims for you, refer you for x-ray and ultrasound and will make onward referrals to other therapists and specialists as needed.
You can book appointments online with one of the many Practitioners.
Treatments Provided
- Sports Injuries
- Home & Work Accidents (Private & ACC)
- Neck and Back Pain
- Biomechanical & Postural Dysfunction
- Occupational Injuries
- Trigger Point and Muscular Pain
- Whiplash, Overuse & Tendon Injuries
Access Information
- Smaller Car – In their parking lot
- Wheelchair – In their parking lot
- Truck/Boat – In their parking lot
- Bike – Any direction fine
- Walking – Any direction fine
The best way to access Waiheke Physiotherapy would be to drive down their drive on the Ostend main road and then pull into one of the two parking spaces they have for customers.
Toilet Access
Yes I think so, will update after a visit inside.
Wheelchair Access
Yes access is flat and open.
Close To Waiheke Physiotherapy
Ostend Pizzeria – is a local Pizza and kebab takeaways. They have a pretty big range of all the expected foods. You can order online or in person.
Ostend Store – The dairy/superette sells a wide range of food, hot pies, drinks, soups, confectionery, toiletries, milk, bread, smokes, vapes and postal services.
Chances Ostend – Is the smaller version on Waiheke, their larger store is located in Oneroa. They are a surf, street and skate shop. They sell beachwear and more.
Woolworths Waiheke – The biggest supermarket on the island and the only shop with a big underground carpark. Lots of food options and underground parking!