Waiheke Currently has 58 Defibrillators available to the public that the AED website tracks, we have seen most of these in person so it all check outs. However we do not guarantee all or these defibrillators are there or are working for our own liability. This is just a simple guide to find a close AED/Defibrillator.
About half of the Waiheke defibrillators are 24/7, some are not that are located at places like schools, hospitals, gyms and clinics. These defibrillators follow the business hours or close to it.
Dial 111 for access information on 24/7 defibrillators (They also have a number on them for quick reference when on the phone)
We will start the list from the left hand side of the island to the right (Oneroa to Bottom End) and we will update this list every 6-12 months.
Last updated 19/01/2025