Waiheke Defibrillators/AED List

Waiheke Currently has 58 Defibrillators available to the public that the AED website tracks, we have seen most of these in person so it all check outs. However we do not guarantee all or these defibrillators are there or are working for our own liability. This is just a simple guide to find a close AED/Defibrillator.

About half of the Waiheke defibrillators are 24/7, some are not that are located at places like schools, hospitals, gyms and clinics. These defibrillators follow the business hours or close to it.

Dial 111 for access information on 24/7 defibrillators (They also have a number on them for quick reference when on the phone)

We will start the list from the left hand side of the island to the right (Oneroa to Bottom End) and we will update this list every 6-12 months.

Last updated 19/01/2025

Defibrillator List

Matiatia Ferry Terminal10 Ocean View Road, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Delamore Drive Oneroa168 Delamore Drive, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Owhanake BayRight Side of Owhanake Bay 24/7 Access Defib
Mudbrick Restaurant126 Church Bay Road, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Artworks Complex131 Ocean View Road, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Waiheke Police Station104 Oceanview Road, OneroaStation HoursDefib
Citizens Advice Bureau141 Ocean View Road, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Citizens Advice Bureau141 Ocean View Road, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Oneroa Beach Toilets36 Beach Parade Road, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
ASB Waiheke120 Oceanview Road, OneroaBank HoursDefib
Oneroa Dental Surgery118 Oceanview Road, OneroaClinic HoursDefib
Skin Institute Oneroa153 Oceanview Road, OneroaClinic HoursDefib
Waiheke Medical Centre132 Oceanview Road, OneroaClinic HoursDefib
Oneroa Fire Station3 Weka Road, OneroaStation HoursDefib
Blackpool School Hall1 Nikau Road, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Little Oneroa Beach3 Goodwin Avenue, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Hekerua BayBottom of Track to bay24/7 Access Defib
Sandy Bay121 Great Barrier Road, Oneroa24/7 Access Defib
Waiheke Bowling Club2 Marama Avenue, Surfdale24/7 Access Defib
Next to Surfdale Bakery2 Miami Avenue, Surfdale24/7 Access Defib
Island Chiropractic39 Alison Road, Surfdale24/7 Access Defib
Waiheke Recreation Centre7 Donald Bruce Road, Surfdale24/7 Access Defib
Waiheke High School11 Donald Bruce Road, SurfdaleSchool HoursDefib
Primary School Hall7 Donald Bruce Road, Surfdale24/7 Access Defib
Kennedy Point Terminal141 Donald Bruce Road, Surfdale24/7 Access Defib
Goldie Estate18 Causeway Rd, SurfdaleVineyard HoursDefib
Sea Scouts52 Shelly Beach Road, Surfdale24/7 Access Defib
Palm Beach Shops39 Palm Road, Palm Beach24/7 Access Defib
Waiheke Dental Centre2 Putiki Road, OstendClinic HoursDefib
St John Ambulance5 Belgium Street, Ostend Station HoursDefib
Ostend Medical Centre9 Belgium Street, OstendClinic HoursDefib
Waiheke Service Centre10 Belgium Street, OstendBusiness HoursDefib
Countdown Ostend17 Belgium Street, OstendShop HoursDefib
Catherine Mitchell Centre32 Putiki Road, Ostend24/7 Access Defib
PlaceMakers Waiheke102 Ostend Road, Ostend24/7 Access Defib
Waiheke RSA29 Belgium Street, Ostend24/7 Access Defib
Waiheke Workout116 Ostend Road, OstendGym HoursDefib
Waiheke Primary School26 Sea View Road, Ostend24/7 Access Defib
Top Of Seaview Road308A Sea View Road, Ostend24/7 Access Defib
Rocky Bay Hall2 Glenbrook Road, Omiha24/7 Access Defib
Onetangi Sports Park133-165 Onetangi Road24/7 Access Defib
Tantalus Estate72 Onetangi Road, Onetangi 24/7 Access Defib
Postage Stamp Wines68 Onetangi Road, OnetangiVineyard HoursDefib
Waiheke Golf Club133 Onetangi Road, OnetangiClub HoursDefib
EcoZip Adventures150 Trig Hill Road, OnetangiBusiness HoursDefib
Onetangi Fire Station10 Totara Road, OnetangiStation HoursDefib
Challenge Onetangi 24 Onetangi Road, Onetangi24/7 Access Defib
Middle of Onetangi Beach31 The Strand, Onetangi24/7 Access Defib
Middle of Onetangi Beach31 The Strand, Onetangi24/7 Access Defib
Right Onetangi Beach5 First Avenue, Onetangi24/7 Access Defib
Pie Melon Bay Farm77 Waiheke Road, Onetangi24/7 Access Defib
Pie Melon Beach77 Waiheke Road, Onetangi24/7 Access Defib
Sunshine Valley20 Orapiu Road, WaihekeBusiness HoursDefib
Carey Bay Beach301 Man O'War Bay Road24/7 Access Defib
Hooks BayDown Long Path24/7 Access Defib
Man O War Bay725 Man O War Bay Road24/7 Access Defib
Cowes Bay Road88 Cowes Bay Road, Waiheke24/7 Access Defib
Orapiu Wharf27 Anzac Road, Waiheke24/7 Access Defib

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