Waiheke Boating Club

Location) 44 Causeway Road, Ostend, Waiheke Island 1081

Website) Waiheke Boating Club Website

Socials) Waiheke Boating Club Facebook

Parking) Road side parking or in the boat yard

Wheelchair Access) yes

Category) Boats

Toilet) Unsure


Waiheke Boating Club Inc is a active club on Waiheke, offering a range of sailing programs in Dinghy’s, Keelers and Multi-hulls plus a hardstand to repair boats.

The Waiheke Boating Club began its activities in 1956.

They have a hardstand which is a friendly volunteer staffed Haul-out facility and small maintenance area on Causeway Rd at Ostend.

All Proceeds support the clubs activities including developing Junior sailing and promoting safe boating on the beautiful waters surrounding Waiheke Island. 

The facility is primarily for members who by joining will benefit from a lower club fee structure, however the club will accept requests for use from the wider boating community, especially in emergencies.

There is no long-term storage or refit capacity so use of the yard is strictly subject to a defined maintenance time-frame and launch date stated at the commencement of hauling. 

The 30 day maximum maintenance time on the hard may be extended by up to 30 days by agreement with WBC

Their centreboard classes operate in other locations such as Shelly Beach and Oneroa Bay.

Their Dinghy sailing currently operates a regular programme from the North-western end of Oneroa beach. They are however known to move to other locations to take advantage of favourable sailing conditions.

The Keeler and Multi-hull fleet start and finish their racing from Kennedy Point in Putiki bay – just off the rock breakwater – they use a number of laid buoys along the Southern Coast.

Hardstand Usage Costs


  • Dinghy Racing
  • Hardstand
  • Keelers and multi-hulls racing and cruising

Access Information

  • Smaller Car – Causeway Road
  • Wheelchair – Causeway Road
  • Truck/Boat – Causeway Road
  • Bike – Any direction fine
  • Walking – Any direction fine

The best way to access Waiheke boating Club is their small parking area or roadside parking, They are located opposite the sports park on Causeway road, you cant miss all the boats up on hardstands.

Close To Waiheke Boating Club

G.A.S Waiheke – A locally owned gas station located on a side street of Ostend, they have a few pumps for petrol and diesel and have a store full of food and drinks.

Putiki bay – Home of waiheke locals house boats and the little yellow submarine, it is a beautiful calm little bay that wraps around the causeway and wharf road.

Wharf Road Boat Ramp – Located down the far end of Wharf Road, you have a nice little scenic drive with ocean views on the left side.

Ostend Domain and Clubhouse – Offer a wide range of activities and local league games. The domain has a Netball court and plenty of seating around the edges.

Whenu – A small waiheke business located in Ostend opposite the house boats. They specialise in plants, succulents, seedlings, balms, raranga and art.


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