Location) Valley Road, Omiha, Waiheke Island 1081
Phone) N/A
Hours) N/A
Website) Not Found
Socials) N/A
Parking) Roadside parking
Wheelchair Access) Yes (seems to be flat access)
Category) Sports
Toilet) No
Rocky Bay tennis court is a open tennis or petanque court located on valley road it costs $2.00 p/hr per person to enter. It was gifted by the O’brien family in 1930’s.
Omiha welfare and recreation society manage and maintain this court.
To use you can pay $2.00 per hour into their donation box located on the court or pay online details are on their sign.
- Gifted Tennis court
- $2.00 per hour/per person
- Donation box located on court or pay online
- Tennis or Petanque
Access Information
- Smaller Car – Valley Road (roadside)
- Wheelchair – Valley Road (roadside)
- Truck/Boat – Valley Road (roadside)
- Bike – Any direction fine
- Walking – Any direction fine
Toilet Access
No toilets, nearest public toilet is down the road by the beach.
Wheelchair Access
Yes, pretty flat to the access, maybe a slight bank
Close To Tennis courts
Rocky Bay
Omiha Hall – The Omiha Memorial Hall was originally built by the Omiha Welfare and Recreation Society in or around the 1950’s. You can hire the hall for functions and events.
Rocky Bay Store – The historic Rocky Bay store on Glen Brook Road was built in 1924, then it burned down in 2003 and has remained a half burnt shell, that is all that remains.