Jacobs Ladder Walkway

Location) 61 The Strand and start of Pah Road

Difficulty) 7/10

Total Time) 5-10min up, 3-4min down

Distance) 300 metres

Parking) Small parking lot at the bottom

Wheelchair Access) No

Category) Walkway

Steps) About 160


Jacobs Ladder Walkway is located in about the middle of Onetangi beach, Between 4th Ave and 6th Ave, if this was a road it would be 5th Ave, but its way to steep for that so I see it just staying a path for the foreseeable future.

The walkway can accessed from either end but only the bottom has good parking.

Walkway Summary

The walkway is not that long, but it is riddled with steps so it can be quite hard if you don’t have a good level of fitness. We counted about 160 steps but lost count in the heat.

It has a nice lookout with chair about half way up the hill.

We rate it a 7/10 difficulty with the main hard bit is the steps and hills. If you are going from the top to the bottom its not too bad. Maybe 4/10 difficulty.


  • Nature Views
  • Beach access
  • Big Hill
  • Tons Of steps
  • Parking only at the lower carpark


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