Tankman and Pump shop
TANKMAN Tank and Pump Shop is a leading supplier of rainwater tank systems on Waiheke Island. They provide tanks, pumps, filters, tank cleaning and gutter maintenance.
Water on waiheke either comes from rain or bore. We typically store drinking water in tanks and filter it before drinking. Some places in Oneroa have a supply of water.
About 3-5 businesses over on Waiheke deliver water to your tank for drinking. They use big bores to fill up their trucks and pump it into your tank with a hose like firefighters use.
TANKMAN Tank and Pump Shop is a leading supplier of rainwater tank systems on Waiheke Island. They provide tanks, pumps, filters, tank cleaning and gutter maintenance.
Wai Water have a fleet of large stainless steel water trucks that deliver water to your tank or pool all over Waiheke, they charge about $300-500.