Ladd Road
Ladd Road is located on the Putiki bay side of Ostend. The speed limit is 30 km/h and the road leads you down to Anzac Bay that can look nice in the mornings and high tides.
Ladd Road is located on the Putiki bay side of Ostend. The speed limit is 30 km/h and the road leads you down to Anzac Bay that can look nice in the mornings and high tides.
Albert Crescent is located on the Putiki bay side of Ostend. The speed limit is 30 km/h and the road is a dead end. The road has has a walkway at the end.
Totara Road is located a few 100 metres after the end of the Onetangi Straight. It is the only Industrial style street in Onetangi with a storage yard and Fire station.
Waiata is not the longest road being only about 260m, most people only use this road to quick connect up to trig hill road as its faster from one direction.
Eden Terrace runs through some of the upper parts of Onetangi on Waiheke. The speed limit is 30 km/h, the road is fairly windy with many side streets.
Onetangi Road runs through most of Onetangi on Waiheke. The speed limit is varies from 50-60 km/h depending on the location and surroundings.
Trig hill is a narrow bush covered road that has blind corners, limited visibility. But once you get to the top of trig hill road it levels out. There is a lookout at the top.
Woollams Road is located in Onetangi Heights on Waiheke. It has views of trees and some of the homes might have Sea views. The speed limit is only 30 km/h.
The Esplanade is one of the only roads on Waiheke that you can drive around the ocean front right on the waters side, that water could splash you or your car.
Makora Avenue is located in Oneroa heights On Waiheke, It is a side street off a side street so the traffic levels are low. It has good views of the ocean from many of the homes.
Huia Street is located in Oneroa heights On Waiheke, It is a side street off a side street so the traffic levels are low. It has good views of the ocean from many of the homes.