Anzac Bay

Location) Natzka Road, Ostend


Beach type) Sand and shell

Parking) Yes/street parking

Length) 340 Metres

Wheelchair Access) Yes

Category) Beach

Toilet) No


Anzac is a quiet little bay located on Natzka road, it is best to visit during high tide as its beautiful and tranquil but muddy during low tide.

located on the edge of it is the waiheke retirement village.

The bay is perfect for going for a kayak or paddleboard and safe for kids to swim in, or you can just enjoy a lovely picnic at the tables provided, some even have a picnic on the pontoon in the bay, if you don’t mind getting your feet wet.

There is usually plenty of wildlife to see here as its a quiet, peaceful place for birds to search for food.
You may find seagulls, pied stilts and white faced herons or even see the odd fish jump out of the water.

Beach Amenities

  • Picnic tables
  • Pontoon

Key Access Points

From Ostend Road or Wharf road

Coming from Ostend road either by Belgium Street or Wharf Road their is a small road called Ladd road this road is located by Ostend Pricecutter and G.A.S station it is a tight road so be aware of other cars. It will lead you to the end of Anzac bay where you may find parking.

From Ostend Road

Coming from the main Ostend road there is a road called Natzka Road it will take you straight to Anzac Bay.

Wheelchair Access

Anzac Bay has lots of grass berms and also very low.

Well Known For

  • Calm water
  • Quiet picnics
  • Tranquil
  • Wildlife

Hire Beach Gear

If you need beach items on your stay at Waiheke, there is a local hire shop called Gear Grab, they have a range of beach items, like sea scooters, metal detectors, beach speakers, sea biscuits, beach tents and games starting at a price of $5 for the smaller toys.

Close To Anzac Bay

Waiheke Retirement Village – is the only retirement village on waiheke its located on the beachfront of Anzac bay. There are over 40 Units/Houses in the village.

G.A.S Waiheke – A locally owned gas station located on a side street of Ostend, they have a few pumps for petrol and diesel and have a store full of food and drinks.

Auto-Motive – A new addition to waiheke opening in 2024, they offer wheel alignments, warrant of finesses, vehicle repairs and services and more.

Ostend Pricecutter – is a dairy located on the side streets in Ostend. The dairy has a small sushi shop inside it and also sells a wide range of food, drinks and more.


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